Hey Everyone! We've been quiet lately, but very busy behind the scenes getting our first game, Tank Kings, ready for some outside testers. There's lots going on, from UI design and performance improvements to gameplay additions and tweaks, but we are getting close! Open Beta will be starting in the near future, and we can't wait to play against some real players finally! As beta testers, we will be relying on your feedback and ideas to help make Tank Kings the best game it can be. Make sure you add your email to our Mailing List on the homepage to get notified as soon as the game is live!
As development rolls along, we've decided to document a bit of the process, and share it with the community. You can watch live when we stream on Twitch, or watch later when we post the clips on our Youtube page. Stay in the loop on all things Winterpixel on Twitter where we typically announce when we are going live.
Check out our latest dev stream where Jason builds the Goals section of the UI:
More news coming soon, including some more technical deep dives for those interested in the nuts and bolts.
